Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Parent/Guardian Survey on Services.

Dear Parent or Guardian:

The Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness at Louisiana Tech University invites you to participate in a study to evaluate the services and to understand the educational experiences of blind and/or visually impaired youth in grades K through 12. Your feedback will improve future policies and practices that prepare teachers in the future. Participation in this study allows us to gain a much richer and robust understanding of factors that impact service options and academic performance of blind and/or visually impaired youth.

For a parent or guardian to participate in this study, your child must meet the following criteria.

•              Be between the ages of 5-22 and be enrolled in a school in the United States in grades K through                           12;

•              Visual impairment must be listed as his or her primary diagnosed disability on his or her            Individualized Education Plan (IEP);

•              English is his or her primary spoken language;

Participation in this study is voluntary and you may quit the survey at any time. We appreciate your participation in this research.

You may access the survey by visiting the link below.


Feel free to forward this invitation.


Edward Bell, Ph.D., Principal Investigator

Casey Robertson, Research Associate

Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Louisiana Tech University

PO Box 3158, Woodard Hall 210

Ruston, LA 71272


E-mail instituteonblindness@latech.edu if you need help with this survey.

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